Weekly outlook

Here is a new weekly outlook. Market looks good, although another sector rotation is taking place. Everybody is looking for bottom in oil prices, but the plunge in ring count did not start to level up yet. Natural gas probably bottomed and will go up. Bonds are suddenly looking dangerous as economy starts to look …

Following guru trends

www.gurufocus.com offers a number of cool free features for those not willing to part with 400USD per year: 1. Guru trends industry 2. Guru scoreboard with easy access to individual portfolios by name. Unfortunately all data is delayed. 3. Concensus picks of many gurus 4. Insider trading is really updated, including trends 5. Rebalanced A, …

Short guide for absolute beginner

If you are an absolute beginner to the investment world: 1. Understand the idea of modern portfolio management 2. Read this description of assets and asset types. 3. Understand indicators –Economic indicators –Candlestick patterns –Bollinger bands 4. Open investing.com and look at indicators 5. Start reading seekingalpha.com”>blog 6. See the simplest tactics in our book. …

Weekly outlook

The volatility is high. We are constantly bombarded by contradicting news. Both bulls and bears are extremely active. This week outlook is mildly positive. Assets to watch: VNQ and TLT are nearing inflection points. Oil probably DCBed ahead of inflection.

Picking oil stocks

This article shows several interesting points regarding picking oil stocks. MLPs may be interesting like YMLP. Alternatively high risk PBR or low risk XOM can be considered. Even RUSL comes to mind as a possible revenue generator. There will be several good deals, but oil production needs to fall first.

Leveraged ETFs

We discuss using leveraged ETFs for timing and momentum rebalancing. To this end we choose ETFs over low-volatility indices. In high volatility environment leveraged ETFs can be risky as explained here. Defensive sectors and large indices as well as some commodities are suitable for this approach.