Fixed vs flexible amount

Since we earn money each month, it is extremely tempting to increase the investment amount monthly. Probably this should be done until a minimal qualifying investment amount (maybe 50,000 USD or 150,000 USD) is reached. The benefits of flexible amounts are clear: 1. Ability to use new opportunities each month 2. Natural growth of the …

Long term predictions

While trend following is good for mid-term investment, fundamental analysis enables some long-term predictions. 1. The power of demographics. Young people generate inflation and growth, aging population is causing deflation and stagnation. By following nations’ demographic it is possible to predict roughly the long term growth trajectory. 2. Diffusion. In healthy economy there is diffusion …

Picking oil stocks

This article shows several interesting points regarding picking oil stocks. MLPs may be interesting like YMLP. Alternatively high risk PBR or low risk XOM can be considered. Even RUSL comes to mind as a possible revenue generator. There will be several good deals, but oil production needs to fall first.

Leveraged ETFs

We discuss using leveraged ETFs for timing and momentum rebalancing. To this end we choose ETFs over low-volatility indices. In high volatility environment leveraged ETFs can be risky as explained here. Defensive sectors and large indices as well as some commodities are suitable for this approach.

Stop losses

This article recommends to issue put options for the assets (commodities) we invest in, as protection against market changes. In a similar way one may invest in stock market and volatility. Either one or the other will go up… If timed properly (buy low sell high) this method may work. Occasionally (very rare) market and …

Picking stocks

The best way to pick stocks is using screener of undervalued stocks. Unfortunately, screener access costs around 400USD per year. We will try to recreate the tools for free. This article describes a decent method for choosing large cap stocks, and here mid cap are addressed. And these stocks are probably too risky right now. …